Armchair Puppet Theatre

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About Armchair




About Armchair Puppet Theatre

Armchair Puppet Theatre was founded by Jill and Ken Beagley in 1988, to provide joyful entertainment for small groups of children and adults. The name, Armchair Puppet Theatre, originates from early puppet shows performed to their own children from behind an armchair! Their puppetry is now seen by a wider public in schools, libraries, community centres and theatres.

Jill and Ken both studied Printmaking as part of their Fine Art Degrees in Sculpture, and have Post Graduate Certificates in Education. They are also keen gardeners and beekeepers. Jill is a member of the Devon Guild of Craftsmen as a printmaker and has been leading printmaking workshops since 1989, as well as organising three exhibitions of young people's prints. Apart from giving his support to the print workshops, Ken has been actively involved in a range of community work projects for over 30 years.

Together they have amassed great knowledge and experience of creative arts projects with children of all ages. See more details of the variety of their expertise in the other sections above.